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How to Take Action

C2SC is committed to mitigating the unwise expansion of data centers into our already thriving, rural community.

There are still ways that our local leaders can protect Culpeper residents from the known impacts of the data center industry—if they choose to act.

We urge our elected officials to take the following actions:


Listen to Constituent Voices: We need our elected officials to listen to their constituents over economic development and vote no on any new data center rezonings.


Adopt Clear Guardrails: We need stronger language in our local laws to govern where data centers can be built and make sure that they properly limit their impact on noise, water, and air quality.


Commit To Government Transparency: Data center developers are known to circumvent the public process by holding secret meetings with local officials and hiding critical information from the public through Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). We want our elected officials to say no to this sort of underhanded dealing


Allocate Revenue Wisely: The approved data centers have promised our local officials millions of dollars in tax revenue. If that money ever materializes, we want it allocated wisely so that Culpeper cannot justify more short-sighted developments based on a perceived lack of funds

How You Can Help:
  1. Join the Coalition to Save Culpeper mailing list: we send out regular updates

  2. Let our elected officials know that you want stronger protections, not weaker ones! Find your elected officials at

  3. Request a “Stop Data Center Sprawl” yard sign from The Piedmont Environmental Council at

  4. Tell your neighbors and friends about the health and environmental impacts of the unchecked data center boom

Tell the Town Council that you want them to stand up for
your peace of mind!

Mayor Frank Reaves Jr. -

Vice Mayor Bill Yowell - 

Travis Brown  -

Jamie Clancey -

Pranas Rimeikis -

Janie Schmidt -

Town Manager Chris Hively -

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